Ring runner Wiki
Assault and Batteries
Assault and Batteries screenshot
Mission Info
Galaxy Metrova
Ignores Difficulty? No
Hull Selection Free
Mission guide
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Densely Droney with a Chance of Pain A Black Box Affair

Reach the Dronezig facility.


P.I.T.A Protest Plugged - Side with Dronezig and complete mission. - 1500 Plex.

Soul Savior - Side with P.I.T.A and complete mission. - 1500 Plex.

No Repair Costs - Complete mission without taking hull damage. - 750 Plex.

Silent Sage - Complete mission without using a Sage Ability. - 750 Plex.


If you're siding with P.I.T.A, you'll need to destroy the Dronezig building. If you don't have an anti-structure ship, the P.I.T.A protesters will help you.

Conversely, if you're siding with Dronezig, feel free to use their building as cover.
